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Évaluations pour

(21 Évaluations)

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100% Véhicule tel que décrit

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Spinnereistraße 210
09405 Zschopau Allemagne

Aller à la page d'accueil du professionnel

21 Évaluations depuis janvier 2018

ID 1077526935

BAUMGARTNER GILLES at 30 janv. 2018

Contact par téléphone et par e-mail • Renault Latitude, 36800, 103 kW (140 PS), Boîte manuelle, Argenté, 11 490 €
1 ★
1 ★
1 ★

NOTHING !!! What to think of a seller who does not respect the word given and treat you in this way! To flee, really!

After negotiating for the purchase of this vehicle and reservation of transport and hotel to recover it, the seller means that the vehicle would have been sold by one of his colleagues whereas I had reserved it first! No respect for the word given, no scruple or morality! To flee !