(37 Évaluations)
100% Recommandations
83% Véhicule tel que décrit
Temps de réponse
100% Recommandations
83% Véhicule tel que décrit
Technykwei 4
8501 XL Joure Pays-Bas
vollständig informieren
Response was detail. Price of car was excelent, but unfortunately I was not fast enough.
Faster and good management
D. 👍
Kurtze antwortzeit
Sehr unfreundliche Antwort.
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The dealer was very friendly and fair, pointed out all the shortcomings of the car and didn't hide anything. Test drive was also not a problem and the route he recommended covered up all scenarios so I could fully experience the car in all its beauty. I do absolutely recommend this dealership.
Umfassende, komplette Hilfestellung für den Import nach Österreich. Keine Frage blieb unbeantwortet!