(146 Évaluations)
88% Recommandations
92% Véhicule tel que décrit
Temps de réponse
88% Recommandations
92% Véhicule tel que décrit
Dielinger Str. 17
49448 Stemshorn Allemagne
Offenes Gespräch, Probefahrt sofort, nach Terminabsparache, möglich, unaufgeforderter Priesnachlass, Mitgabe der kompletten Fz.-Papiere, zunächst ohne Vertrag und Anzahlung!
Echt nett. Ehrlich. Hilfsbereit
Freundlichkeit und sehr unkomplizierte Abwicklung! Das Auto ist 😊 toll!
im Telefonat wurde offen die "Vergangenheit" des Autos beauskunftet
nothing, horrible person
A perfect example of a scam. Travelled all the way from Belgium, to buy an audi. As soon as I got there, he said: that the car had an accident wich he never mentioned before. Than we took it for a test drive and suddenly the car didn't have no parking sensors for a big sedan.... Further on he didn't had no trust in paying for the car, a transaction with the bank took too long and it came down that I had to wait 2-3 days in Germany till he saw the money on his bank account. Another problen accured when I asked for transit plates, we already discussed this item by Email but eventually he asked for 100€ to get them. And the next day he got the wrong plates, wich he said were good and legal. But they aren't, you need red plates otherwise you'll have big problems in your country. The yellow ones are just much more expensive. So I ended up losing 100€ and gas money and... For this fool. And at the end of the payment he tried to avoid taxes, wich we would have to pay in Belgium... Don't buy!!
Das Bild vom Auto
.... daß der Verkäufer sich trotz mehrfachen Anfragen bisher nicht gemeldet hat !
Kurze Reaktionszeit Gute Preise
Nichts besonderes
Gab sehr detaillierte Informationen
sehr schnelle Antwort und gute,kompetente Auskunft und Beratung über das Fahrzeug! So muss das sein!