(239 Évaluations)
94% Recommandations
94% Véhicule tel que décrit
Temps de réponse
94% Recommandations
94% Véhicule tel que décrit
Viele Fotos nach der Nachfrage.
Hat mir versprochen das FZG nicht zu verkaufen da ich ihm zugesagt habe , wollte aber zuerst noch ein paar Bilder von ihm die Rechte ch dann erst am Sonntag gesehen hatte , Dienstag schrieb er dann er hätte es am Samstag noch verkauft
Leider nichts
Der Händler ist auf Detailfragen nicht eingegangen !
super zufrieden
Absolutely nothing to like.
Failed to provide vital information about a damaged vehicle. Like the curtains were deployed, but cut neatly and tucked in so it wouldn't show on pictures. Radar in front were cut away. An extra €2000 for me there. The left wheel was cracked and all the wishbones were torn off. Not one picture of the left side damage. Zero chance to negotiate when they know I've driven 1500km. They just told me to go home if I wasn't going to buy it. Really unfriendly and not forthcoming at all. After buying over 100 cars in Germany, these was the worst sellers.
die schneller reakzion bei email
Telefonisch gut erreichbar
Leider obwohl telefonisch besprochen , keine E-Mail Antwort
A complete scam! I bought Audi A3 and asked twice if the engine and transmission is okay and he said yes, it is okay and working. Transmission is broken, not working, engine also. + he cut side airbags and roof airbags and put them inside so we couldnt tell whether its broken..Do not ever buy from this guy. Waste of money.
Alles korrekt geantwortet!