Carlitos at 20 mars 2024
Frau Gotha at 20 mars 2024
Wahr alles ok
Randolph Böhm at 20 mars 2024
Familiäres Umfeld
at 2 févr. 2024
Eıne Angebot kamm eıgentlıch schnell aber deteıllıerte Angebot kamm nie
Das danach nıchts kamm wıe besprochen
Robert de Bumser at 11 janv. 2024
Alles reibungslos
at 10 janv. 2024
Fahrzeug genau wie beschrieben. Sehr netter und ehrlicher Händler
Francesco Meli at 31 déc. 2023
Super freundlicher Verkäufer
Wenig Parkplätze
Yasemin at 28 déc. 2023
Unkomplizierte Abwicklung, freundlich, altes Auto zum fairen Preis Inzahlung gegeben.
at 28 déc. 2023
Freundlich, schnell und Hilfsbereit. Mir wurde jede Frage beantwortet und bei der Anmeldung geholfen.
Robert Varga at 2 déc. 2023
The price of the car was reasonable
The adversitment contained false informations about the car, eg. they wrote that the car is being sold with a guarantee, just like they should according to the German laws, while they said in person that it's false. When I asked why did they wrote this in the ad, they said it's a typo. On papers they wrote that I'll export the car just to avoid giving a guarantee. Furthermore, after we finalized the transaction, and I was ready to pick up the car, I found out that the car had no winter tires. While they wrote that in the ad that the car somes with both winter and summer tires. I asked where are they, the reply was that it has none. At first they said the ad didn't contain it, then I showed them a screenshot of it and said "it's a typo, they should've told me this, they'll get me some in 2 weeks at most". I knew that they won't and I was right, didn't get any calls. Also, they can't speak English at all, even though they say they do. Be extra careful if you'd like to buy a car from them