(97 Évaluations)
56% Recommandations
73% Véhicule tel que décrit
Temps de réponse
56% Recommandations
73% Véhicule tel que décrit
Genshagener Strasse 11
14974 Ludwigsfelde Allemagne
Alles war in Ordnung
alles war in Ordnung
alles kla.
schnelle Antwort
The dealer is not clear
Hi iz very good
The dealer was quick with answering my questions. Everything we discussed or asked for the dealer did as agreed.
For me it was a little bit tricky to buy the car beceause I had to export/import it and the car was rejected at first by the TUV. The dealer handled this quite well but for me it would be to uncertain that everything was ok with the car.
They where helpful in answering my questions, I decided to look for a lower milage car.
Ehrlich und schnelle antworte.
Bussiness oriented approach with the aim of mutual benefit, friendly and open. Full support in the preparation of export documents.Trying to establish preconditions for long therm cooperation with the customer. Flexible in price.